What professionals say…
The Children Centre Outreach Workers and Centre Manager access termly team/ group supervision with Janet. During the session we share and consider a case in depth, which provides opportunity to explore options and strategies regarding our work with families. This is taken away and implemented in the workplace. For example with a parent who we felt blocked with we used the suggested strategy of empathy and offering of an appointment to which the parent positively responded. Also the Centre Manager and Outreach Workers have individual supervision. This again provides an opportunity to explore work with families and arising issues. The ‘safe place’ Janet provides to discuss families and at times the impact of work on the worker has been invaluable in what can often be a difficult and challenging role.
Thank you for all your caring support and your uplifting smiles. Your humanity shines brightly and you’ve inspired me in my work. I know you are a kindred spirit in looking at the world through the child’s eyes.
What parents say…
I wanted to say how grateful we are as a family for all the help and support you have given us. The boys are all so happy at school. In W particular has matured into a more settled and content little boy but thanks to you I feel much better equipped to cope when he has the odd ‘anxious’ moment.
Well what can I say, it’s certainly been a rollercoaster and it hasn’t always been the most comfortable of rides for me. I honestly believe that everyone comes into our lives for a reason and I could never put into words how much you have helped me and my family. I’ve had counseling since a young child and I have never had anyone help me open up like you have. You helped me to learn things about myself and in turn my children. My relationship with my son is amazing now and we have all grown as a family. I really can’t thank you enough for the support, encouragement and compassion you have shown me. Thank you for helping my family.
Just a note to say a huge thank you for everything you have done for me and the children over the last few years, especially with the family break-up. The care, support and kindness you gave not just to the children but to me as well were amazing. Knowing that you were there for us was a huge help, and very much appreciated.
Thank you for all your support. We have only been able to come this far with your help…
What children say…
Thank you for helping on those days I was sad and letting me play with you in the sand…
Thank you for being there for us!
Thank you for playing with me, I’m going to miss coming and playing every week.